A laundry management cloud platform is designed to centralise operations and management. Some of these solutions feature a sophisticated network of KPIs that can collect and analyse data from different sources, including the machines responsible for washing linen. Using these solutions, commercial laundry managers have an easier time assessing current resource use. They can identify the root causes behind high resource demand and determine the next step from there.
Commercial laundries consume a lot of resources, like water and energy. High resource consumption generates higher operation costs and also raises concerns about the environment. While laundry managers should optimise resource usage, doing so can be very difficult without the right technology in place. The issue lies in identifying problematic areas or equipment that consumes one too many resources. This is where laundry cloud solutions can become handy.
Optimise management processes
Commercial laundries live and die by their processes. One wrong step or error can lead to disaster for clients, so managers need to optimise processes to improve efficiency and productivity. However, this is where commercial laundry managers run into problems. Since most processes are in different departments, it can be hard to get a holistic perspective on operations.
Once again, laundry management software can provide a solution. The cloud-based solution can break down the silo that often exists between different departments, making it so much easier for managers to analyse data. Various KPIs related to tracking inventory, transport, and customer relationships can paint a detailed picture of overall business operations. When we get a grasp of the overall picture, it becomes significantly easier to standarise and optimise operations. For example, Just in Time (JIT) inventory management can be optimised by a significant margin, thanks to the insight generated from laundry productivity solutions.
Tracking assets with greater precision
The ability to track the location of customer assets (in this case, linen) can help optimise processes by a significant margin. It can improve relationships with customers, and expose gaps in production processes (if there are any). This is where cloud-based industrial laundry solutions can become an asset. The solution can help commercial laundry managers track linen with greater precision using RFID tags. Commercial laundry managers will have an easier time keeping track of assets, which will help in other areas related to customer management. By developing the means to track assets with greater precision, commercial laundry managers have a chance to improve customer relationships by providing top-tier customer service.
Optimising laundry productivity
Commercial laundry managers have a lot of problems to deal with. However, by investing in the right laundry management solutions, they will have a much easier time resolving the issues that trouble them. Bundle Laundry can help commercial laundries improve productivity through their range of cloud-based laundry productivity solutions and can help you track client assets with greater precision, improve processes, and discover ways to optimise the production process. The right commercial laundry solutions can help reduce operation costs and improve productivity.